I was born in Yass and grew up on our family property. After having our two boys, my husband and I sold our house in Yass and built a house on our property. We wanted to allow the boys the freedom and experience of farm life, which I enjoyed whilst growing up.
Up until recently, I was working for the Department of Industry in Canberra. After travelling for the past 25 years, I am now lucky enough to be working back in the Yass and Murrumbateman community. I am enjoying building and developing client relationships and gives me great satisfaction when I can help them with their animal’s.
I really enjoy living and working on our family property, where we run fine wool merino sheep, cross bred sheep and cattle. I am always helping my father with all the tasks that come with farm living.
My favourite season is summer, as the family loves spending the long days skiing, fishing and catching up with family and friends on lake Burrinjuck.