Being a vet nurse isn’t just a job-it’s a way of life. Many special occasions/ public holidays get interrupted by animals not realising it’s meant to be a day off for us!!
For example..
My birthday- got called in for a caesarean.
Easter- Dog badly hurt itself when it fell off the back of a truck.
Mother’s day dinner- had to assist with a horse transport truck fire on the high way.
Taking my father for surgery- had to help out with a horse that had fallen down on the float on the way over.
Christmas- Cat bitten by a snake.
And one time I was in the middle of a friend’s wedding rehearsal when I got the call to head in to work for an emergency.
The list goes on and on and it’s the same for all of our other dedicated staff. I guess my first official day on the job should have been a pretty good indicator of how my life was about to change!
I have met so many lovely clients and their pets over the years I feel privileged to be part of their lives. I have seen clients and their pets and their best and their worst, at all hours of the night and day whether it be for a simple stitch up of a wound, assisting with a caesarean or a late night calving.
People often ask why I have stayed at Yass Valley Veterinary for so long. Making a genuine difference in the lives of our clients and patients is an amazing experience.
Knowing that at the end of the day you have helped out a distressed patient, an anxious client, saved a life, helped with bringing new life into the world or just meeting a new puppy and its excited family is what gets me out of bed everyday. I also tell them it helps that I work in an amazing team, with lovely clients and their wonderful animals- and of course, it really is the best job in the world!